How to Stop Birds Eating Grass Seed?

Garden birds can pose a significant challenge as they are notorious for feasting on freshly sown grass seeds! Fortunately, there are various strategies you can employ to safeguard your grass seed and discourage birds from turning your efforts into a midday snack. In this article, we will explore several effective methods to prevent birds from eating your grass seed and help you achieve a thriving lawn.

Bird on grass

  1. Cover the area: One of the simplest and most effective ways to shield your grass seed from birds is by covering the seeded area. Lightweight mesh or bird netting is an ideal choice for this purpose. Ensure that the mesh has small enough holes to prevent birds from accessing the seeds while still allowing sunlight and water to reach the grass. Gently secure the netting over the area until the grass seed germinates and becomes less attractive to birds.

  2. Scare tactics: Birds are easily frightened by sudden movements or loud noises. Utilising scare tactics can deter them from your grass seed. Visual deterrents are particularly useful. Hang reflective materials, such as old CDs or shiny objects that move in the wind, around the perimeter of the seeded area. The flashing lights and reflections will startle birds and keep them away. Additionally, scarecrows or predatory bird decoys create the illusion of a threat, further deterring birds from approaching the grass seed.

  3. Noise deterrents: Birds are sensitive to noise, and incorporating noise deterrents can be an effective means of bird control. Wind chimes, aluminium foil strips, or even motion-activated sprinkler systems are excellent options to consider. These devices produce sudden noises or movements when birds approach, startling them and encouraging them to seek quieter feeding grounds. 

  4. Physical barriers: Installing physical barriers is a reliable method to prevent birds from accessing your grass seed. Fences can be strategically placed to create an obstacle for birds. These barriers work best for smaller areas or specific trouble spots. Ensure that the fencing is tall enough to prevent birds from landing and accessing the seeds.

We know that although everyone wants a flourishing wildlife friendly garden, when you're growing your lawn initially it's important to let the grass seed settle before the feathered friends come to say hello!

By employing a combination of strategies such as covering the area, utilising scare tactics, implementing noise deterrents and installing physical barriers, you can effectively deter birds and safeguard your grass seed. Remember to choose methods that are humane and do not harm the birds or the environment. With patience and perseverance, your efforts will pay off, resulting in a vibrant and healthy lawn that will be the envy of your neighbourhood.

Duck on grass